martes, 3 de octubre de 2023


Good morning everyone, today I am going to talk about a book that I really like

Well to start, the book name´s is "Metamorphosis" of Franz Kafka. This book is a classic, the vas majority has read it or heard of it. The autor Franz Kafka is a german lenguage writer, who deals with many psychological, social and religious themes in his works.

I remember the first time I´ heard this book it was in middle school, we had to read this book for a subject, where there would later be a test of this book. I liked this book, it tells the story of Gregorio Samsa´s tranformation into a monstrous insect, and thefamily drama that unfolds as a result of this event. The truth is that the book is quite strange, a little disturbing, but deep down it has a very profound meaning. I liked this book because, it deals with different very common topics in society and in the lives of human beings, such as frustration, identity and loneliness, among others. I find that it is an unusual book, with very deep meanings.

I highly recommend it if you like this type of topics in a books.

1 comentario:

  1. Kafka is a great author. I read all of his works when I was younger. I also saw an amazing theatre version of Metamorphosis with Tim Roth. Very cool.


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