martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023

Final semester 2023

 Hello everyone. today I am going to talk about my final semester of the year 2023 

Well to start, this semester is very important for me, because it is my last semester with classes at Fau. So it is very important that i do well with my grades, I think that so far everything has gone well for me academically, so I am very happy in that matter. Personally, since it is my last semester, it has caused me a lot of anxiety about what will happen next year and in the future, sometimes I have been overwhelmed in this sense, but I have tried to move forward and no think about these types of things. I have distracted myself by doing the things that I like to do in my free time, to sometimes take my mind off the university a little, and that has helped me. it has been a semester of a lot of knowledge academically and personally, the important thing is to live day to day, calmly, step by step and not focus on what will happen in the future. 

As for academics, my courses have been very good, with some areas that I have enjoyed, great learning about territorial planning from geography, with many academic works and activities.  I also really liked the English course, I found it very good, as a did English 3, which I had also taken with Mr, Higginson, you learned English very well with him, it is a course that has taught me many lessons. My best moment of semester was for the national holidays, since we were without classes and I took advantage of going south and being with my family those days. I enjoyed them a lot, because I got distracted and I forgot a litle about my university work.Finally my grades haave been between 4.3 and 6.8 for the moment, so I hope it stays that way.

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023

Test practice

 Goodmorning everyone

So the page to be able to practice for the english exam very good 

It is very entertaining and interesting, I feel that you learn a lot and wellfor an exam through this platform. The listening part is very good, you hear good quality audio, so it is not so difficult to understand.

I still liked the reading part, I found it very entertaining, with great text that helps you improve yoyr English. It also has several sections and different types of activities and texts that help you read and understand English better.

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

"Recetas del sur"


Well, the truth is that I follow a large number of people who are creators of social content, such as streamers, YouTubers, musicians, singers and musical groups.


But the truth is that I use YouTube a lot, that's why I'm going to tell you about a YouTuber that I follow on my social networks, and he is Professor Klocker. It has a channel dedicated to food, especially meat, such as roasts and most preparations that have meat. The truth is that I really enjoy watching their videos since I really like cooking, and their recipes are very good and in their videos they are explained in a very good way, in addition to the recommendations they give for food. I met this YouTuber in 2019, perhaps, on his channel "recetas del sur", I quickly began to see more of his videos, in addition to the fact that they are recorded mostly in the south, so the aesthetics of the video are very beautiful, surrounded by trees, rivers and grass. So yes, later I started following him on Instagram and social networks until today.


In addition to having some videos that are in other countries, where he explores the gastronomic culture that exists in other countries, which I find very interesting, the diversity of foods and cultures, customs that exist around the planet.


I believe that the vast majority in Chile know that Professor Klocker is currently very famous, his Instagram and YouTube have a large number of followers.


martes, 14 de noviembre de 2023

Outdoor Activity


Good morning everyone, today I will talk to you about something I like to do outdoors.

Well what I really like to do outdoors is play soccer, go jogging, hiking and cycling. If I had to choose one it would be between cycling and hiking. But I will talk to you about cycling, since I was little I like to use the bicycle, despite having fallen several times when I was little, I have always liked to go out cycling. When I was older my grandfather gave me his road bicycle, which he had had since 1979. Well, I restored this bicycle and exchanged several old parts it had for some new and better quality ones. And it turned out to be a very good bicycle, which is the one I currently use and the one I ride with, since I fixed it I have dedicated myself much more to cycling. I have gone to the Barriga slope, in Maipu, the Prado slope, the Mallarauco slope, I have also gone to Maipo Island by bicycle and I have gone up to the Cajon del Maipo by bicycle. It is a sport and an outdoor activity that I really enjoy, because you actually feel free and you can travel and explore many landscapes that you had not seen before. It is an activity that I really enjoy, with which I am distracted and makes me feel very good. The last place I visited by bicycle was the Cuesta Belliga, it is very cool to be at the top, and to be able to see Santiago from that place.


And I highly recommend it

Valdivia, Chile


Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about a milestone, a trip that marked me a lot and that I enjoyed.

This trip was one that we took with my family in 2018, where we traveled south. Firstly, we traveled to Osorno where we stayed several days to explore, later we went to Valdivia, this is the place that I really liked. With its rivers that cross Valdivia, its forests and its architecture make it a very special place. I remember being in Valdivia for about a week, where we made many boat trips to explore the rivers that cross it. We also went to "Niebla", which is a small coastal town that is very close to Valdivia. To go there we went in a small boat, I remember that when we were on the way, we could see dolphins in the water, it was very nice. In this place we visited the fog fort, and other tourist places in the sector. It was a very nice experience and trip, which I would do again.


And I highly recommend it

Final semester 2023

 Hello everyone. today I am going to talk about my final semester of the year 2023  Well to start, this semester is very important for me, b...