martes, 31 de octubre de 2023

Beautiful place

 Good morning everyone

Today I will talk to you about a beautiful place that is located in the south of Chile.

This place is the Conguillio National Park, which is located in the mountain range of the city of Temuco, in the Araucania region. I visited this place during the holidays this year, in the month of february and March. I traveled to this place with my girlfriend and my cousins from Chillan, we traveled by car to the town of Melipeuco. In Melipeuco we arrived very late, we stayed camping very close to the Conguillio National Park, the next day we went to visit it, we were 15 minutes by car from park to the camping.

The first day we toured the entire park, passing through the llaima volcano, the different lagoons it had, and the large forest full of very old Araucaria trees, we met the oldest Araucaria tree in all of Chile. It was a day of a lot of walking and trekking but at the end of the park we swam in one of the lagoons of the place, where the water was very crystal clear and clean, it was very comforting to swim there.

In the following days in Melipeuco we went to explore its surroundings, getting to know more lagoons and also arriving at Villarica, Pucon and Caburgua. 

It is a beautiful place that I highly recommend you visit.

martes, 24 de octubre de 2023

A member of the family

 Good morning everyone

Today I will talk to you about a member of my family , whom I have a lot of appreciation for.

Well to start, I will tell you about my cousin Alejandra and her husband Cristian. they got married approximately seven years ago, they live in the city of Chillan, in the south, in the region of Ñuble. Well my cousin, she is a stylist and she work in a place in charge of that, her husband works as nurse in a hospital of Chillan.

The relationship I have with him is very nice, we trust and love each the other. When I was litle wasn´t that close to my cousin. However, as I have grown older I have gotten closer to my cousin and her partner, having a good relationship. Every time I go south, I stay at his house, where we share beautiful moments, we go out a lot to explore the south, they are very adventurous, they really like trekking, camping and visiting places, so it is something that we have a lot in mind common, since I like the same thing, we complement each other very well in that sense.

They also get along very well with my girlfriend, so we always go their house, we spend the holidays with them, and they come to Santiago to see us too.

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

Learning English

 Today I will talk to you about when I started learning English.

What is easy for me about English is being able to read it, the truth is that it is not difficult for me to understand it by reading, but, when it is time to listen to it and the person who is speaking is very fast, I do not understand it, it is difficult for me to understand it when I listen to it. If you speak slow English it is easier to understand the language. In order to practice outside of class, I usually listen to a lot of music in English, so it helps me to be able to pronounce the words and understand what is said in English. Also, most of the time I watch series or movies in English with Spanish subtitles, which also helps me understand English better, and helps me with pronunciation.

During English class I like to learn to pronounce English and be able to speak it naturally. I like activities to be able to share English and pronunciation with my classmates. Finally I think that English will be very useful for me in the future, I consider that it is a tool that opens many doors for us in the future, just as it is in the world of work. I consider that English is a universal language, it is spoken all over the world, it is a way to communicate with people from other countries who do not speak the same language as me. So if I travel to other countries it will be very useful for me to have learned English. In terms of work, knowing some English is often requested a lot, it is an important requirement to start working, to be able to communicate with people from other countries within the work environment.

I find drinking a cup of tea very interesting in English culture, and it is also something very characteristic of the English, every time they talk about England, tea time comes to mind. It is also something that I really like and I usually drink tea often, I really like it. On the other hand, I like football in English culture, it is something that is enjoyed a lot in England, the passion and love they feel for the shirt and the history of their teams, in addition to having the Premier League. On the other hand, British music is very great, from the sex pistols to radiohead, they have great bands that I usually listen to a lot like blur, oasis, the verve, radiohead, the clash, sex pistols, joy division, new order, among others, They are very influential bands in music.

martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

A job

 Goodmorning everyone, today I am going to talk about a job that I would like to do

Well to start, I haven´t worked in that many places mainly due to studies, but some of the jobs I have had part time have been as a night stocker at the Lider supermarket, this job has been the most recent. I also worked on a gealth center construction project with my uncle during the summer.

Because of the career I am studying, I would like to work in a state institution that is focused on risk management. This is one of the reasons why I started studying Geography, so I would like to work in that area. I like this work since I consider that climate change is a phenomenon that is currently ocurring and is accelerating, causing a greater number of natural disasters. I do this job because through good management we can keep a large number of people safe, reducing their exposure and vulnerabilities, focusing on prevention. I believe that to do this job well you have to read a lot, study, see patterns, be organized, know the topic and what interests you, be good at hiking to see the situation on the ground.

I think I would be good at this job because it is an area that I am passionate about, and I believe that I have the qualities to do this job.I don´t know very well which person is my inspiration in this, but I really like what Marcelo Lagos does.

martes, 3 de octubre de 2023


Good morning everyone, today I am going to talk about a book that I really like

Well to start, the book name´s is "Metamorphosis" of Franz Kafka. This book is a classic, the vas majority has read it or heard of it. The autor Franz Kafka is a german lenguage writer, who deals with many psychological, social and religious themes in his works.

I remember the first time I´ heard this book it was in middle school, we had to read this book for a subject, where there would later be a test of this book. I liked this book, it tells the story of Gregorio Samsa´s tranformation into a monstrous insect, and thefamily drama that unfolds as a result of this event. The truth is that the book is quite strange, a little disturbing, but deep down it has a very profound meaning. I liked this book because, it deals with different very common topics in society and in the lives of human beings, such as frustration, identity and loneliness, among others. I find that it is an unusual book, with very deep meanings.

I highly recommend it if you like this type of topics in a books.

Final semester 2023

 Hello everyone. today I am going to talk about my final semester of the year 2023  Well to start, this semester is very important for me, b...